One Story Away

Stories have the power to bring us all closer together.

Through them, we can put ourselves in someones else's shoes and shift perspectives
to see, feel, and understand the world in a more empathetic way. In its first ever global brand campaign,
released simultaneously in 27 countries with pieces for TV, radio, print, OOH and digital.
Each market showed a local version of the main AV with V.O of national talents,
such as Ava Duvernay, Naruna Costa, Yalitza Aparicio, Lali Esposito, Omar Sy and Hannah Gadsby.

Netflix shows that we're only one story away from each other.

↳ Case Study

↳ AV - V.O.: Ava Duvernay, creator, co-writer and director of When They See US

↳ First Phase OOH

↳ Second Phase OOH

↳ One Story Away in the Platform

On going campaign. More content soon.